How can I use your work?

All my writing is typically under creative commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 (of course, there might be some exceptions. Check if you're unsure!), which should give you a pretty good idea of what I allow and don't allow- but incase you have any questions about what I'm spesifically comfortable with, please see below.


- Reupload and repost my work wherever you please!*

- Translate my writing into other langauges; offical translations are very unlikely to happen.*

- Make more accessible versions of my books*

- Make AUs that branch off my pre-existing writing*

- Make stories that take place both within and outside canon and create fanmade installments in any of my series.

- Make any silly AUs or crossovers you want. I love seeing them and heavily encourage them! :)

- Adapt my writing into any other medium you like. Including, but not limited to; Games, comics, shows/movies, etc.*

- Heavily inspire your writing/writing style off of mine

*Please credit me as the orginal author in some way, and indicate that changes have been made if applicable, thanks! If it's not starred here (as in, it's 100% fair use), you have no obligation to credit me- but it'd still be nice considering how little known my work is!


- Profit directly off of my writing, or any modified version of it in any way (exceptions to this are fan made merchandise like keychains, stickers, anything else under fair use, etc, and optional payments like tips)

- Use anything I've created in ANY form of advertisement unless you're literally advertising something I've created or a modifcation of it/related to it that respects the creative commons.

- Use any of my writing, characters, worldbuilding, etc for political campagins, organizations, movements, etc without being granted premission from me beforehand.

- Claim to be me or one of my aliases

- Claim that any derivative media you have made is endorsed by me in any way (unless it literally is)

- Use anything I have created for NFTs, crypto, general blockchain bullshit, or use it to train commercial/public machine learning projects/data sets (AI). Using my work to train non commercial, personal AI is allowed- but you're on VERY thin ice, and should state that it's trained off of my writing very clearly if you are to share it.

- Hold me responsible for any freak accidents, drama, weird people, etc caused by my work. It's up to you whether or not you want to be normal about my art, not me. Keep me out of your petty bullshit.