My beloveds

(Things that I like or have otherwise inspired me)

Em Essex

Lets be honest, you probually expected this seeing all my aliases. Their music, games, characters, and worldbuilding have inspired me endlessly since I found them all the way back in 2018, and I've been falling down the rabbithole ever since. The vibes of the Halley labs era stuff especially resonates with me, and has inspired my work in many, many ways over the years (and even inspired a character of mine!). My approach to writing under different aliases was also, of course, heavily inspired by what they've done with Halley labs/Lapfox. People that don't know them think the aliases are all different people (I used to be one of these people!)- but people that do don't have to dig to find everything, creating a happy medium that allows for exprimentation unburdened by people's expectations- something which I find especially inspiring as someone who is notirously indecisive with his identity! My favourite album is Halley labs associates - 2yr if you're wondering :)

Chronicle of the Dark Star by Kevin Emerson

The series that I taught myself how to write with- and my favourite book series of all time! If you look closely, bits of Kevin's writing style can STILL be distinctly seen in my own writing style to this day. I highly recommend this book series as well as Drifters if you like Kaivasita, and especially if you like sci fi- and ESPECIALLY especially if you like hard sci-fi, because this series is what got me into it! I genuinely think its the closest you can possibly get to a perfect book series. I still bawl my eyes out at the ending even all these re-reads later, and I think that says a lot, because I don't cry easily.

Kid icarus: Uprising

What isn't there to say about uprising? It's nintendo's magnum opus, and still one of my favourite games to this day. I have very pleasant memories of my first playthrough, where I'd come home from school and play a chapter per day (mostly for my wrist's sake, they are not kidding when they say that game fucks up your wrist), almost like an advent calendar. This game's series went on to become a hyperfixation of mine that lasted well over a year- if you followed an account called 'Pitposter' on tumblr or twitter, that was me during the height of my fixation! The fixation also resulted in me making an AU called 'Kid icarus: rebirth" that I sadly, only began to seriously work on as my fixation died. Kyrie used to be from this AU, and was reused for Kaivasita later on! Someone's headcanons for how the weapons/pit's flight worked also inspired zyrgia and kyrzoa and how the angels in Kaivasita fly, along side how their weapons work! Oh, and one more minor thing... Neowise owes his origins to a dream I had about Kid icarus, where he appeared as a strange, black and blue version of Pit. I redesigned him, and planned to make him a reoccuring character in my work, until I just decided he'd fit better in Kaivasita, and the rest is history.


Ah, if it isn't my favourite adlibs RPG! I've played through the entirety of this game (minus post game...) over 5 times now, and it still hasn't gotten old to me. Every year, I do my annual replay of this game, usually with my characters, and every time I come out the other side with a whole heap of new ideas for character dynamics and relationships- and sometimes even a few plot points! I can't possibly recommend this game enough, just do yourself a favour and go in blind, play it with your characters, and set the great sage as someone (fictional or real) that you deeply care about. It improves the exprience a ton!

I've actually recorded myself playing this several times! I have a whole playlist dedicated to it on my youtube channel if you're interested. Also be sure to check out groxtopia which is a dubbed over playthrough me and my friends did!

Pokemon Sun and Moon/Ultra sun and Ultra moon

My favourite pokemon games... and still the only ones I've played that I've liked (and before you shout at me, it's because I haven't played any of the games before that gen! I will get around to it!). The general vibes and look of the games, as well as their writing introduced me to everything I like in a peice of media as a kid, and I spent hours upon hours in both versions of the games. I still look back on them fondly, even if I don't have a lot to say about them now and days (I've... unforunately fallen out of love with pokemon a lot in recent years thanks to how badly the recent games have let me down). Also necrozma, god I love necrozma. I have a plushie of it and a figurine that sits on my desk. I have a closer attachment to my first necrozma, Eclipse than I do any of my starters and I think that says a lot about me.

The Garden/Campsite

"Something you made yourself? Sounds like SOMEBODY likes the taste of their own cock!" Yes yes, this is something I made myself, but it's a special exception because the impact it had on my life was more or so caused by things surrounding it than the actual peice of media. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, The Garden and Campsite are both roblox games I made and passively worked on out of boredom when I was a kid sometime in 2018/19. They weren't exactly 'games', and were more or so simple hangout places where you'd venture to all these different worlds with your friends (and if you were one of my friends, mess around with admin commands).

Back when I actively played roblox (or, played at all), me and some of my earliest online friends would play this game just about whenever we wanted to hang out. We'd chill out and chat, dick around with the admin, explore the (very big) main area, blow it up, and lose track of eachother because someone accidentally went through the wrong gate. And, sometimes, if the day was bad enough, exprience a massive falling out that ended with someone leaving in tears, or some other generally traumatic, friend group related event. To say this game has a lot of history is an understatement.

And, surprise! It, and the things that happened there, are what Kaivasita still owes a MAJORITY of it's inspirations to! A lot of the universes in both games appear in Kaivasita at some point (ibeit, often heavily redesigned), and several major plot points are inspired or even based off actual things that happened to me and my friends while playing the game. Now and days, both games lie dormant, it's time in the sun finally running it's course as me and my friends move away from roblox, and roblox as a platform decides to stick more knives up its ass. Many things in it have been broken for years, and it's only a matter of time until it's fully unplayable or some update culls half the games on the platform or some shit. If you haven't guessed, there's a reason the inspiration is just these two games and not roblox itself.

HOWEVER, you can still exprience it now, as of writing, as far as I'm concerned, the game is still up and running fine- but I don't routinely check it, so don't take this as gospel. Also, for both our sakes, don't get mad if you find something poorly aged in it- it's been completely untouched since 2022 and I don't use roblox at all anymore, nor do I want to. If it doesn't work, or you're like me and quit roblox and hate having to wait 10 minutes for it to update every time you go to play one thing, check out these two videos I uploaded that archive the entire game and everything it has to offer. The first video also preserves the orginal audio before roblox removed all music from their platform, and before any other praticuarly stupid, game breaking updates