
Some parts of this site look barebones, that's ok, I'll get around to them! I'm just trying to get the site fully functional first! (I'm new to HTML, go easy on me!)

The part that links to my books above works though, so please check it out!! Everything here is free to download or read online!

My main project right now is Kaivasita, and a book is already done! Please consider checking it out while you're here, it and it's series been a massive labor of love of mine for years now, so I'd really appreciate it!!

Hi Corbin (AKA: asshole ex)! I know you're stalking my profiles now, and there's no way you can hide it that I won't be able to rat out. While you're here, why don't you explain to your clueless boyfriend what a manipulative, abusive peice of shit you were to me, how you purposefully used the tone my abuser used on me twoards me to get your way, and openly admitted this in my friend's DMs? Oh, and how about how you turned all my friends aganist me even though I wanted to end our relationship respectfully? Do all your new playthings a favour and drop dead, I've already made it very clear I never want to talk to you again. :)
